Gentle Business Practices for HSP Entrepreneurs
If highly sensitive people (HSPs) want to bring our best selves to our businesses, we need to protect our energy, no matter how resilient we may be. The challenge is that in today’s frantic professional landscape, the bigger, better, faster approach doesn’t always work for us, since we tend to get overwhelmed in overstimulating environments. Many HSPs leave their jobs to pursue entrepreneurship, preferring a slower, more comfortable pace and enjoyable occupation.
Since we’ve been conditioned to think that grinding away 24/7 is the only way to succeed in business, many of us bring these habits along with us when we start our own companies. However, grinding away without pause often leads to more of those familiar struggles: overfull schedules that leave us burned out and with little room for our personal lives and creativity. The result is, not surprisingly, burnout and a more difficult time being productive, helping our clients, and leading our staff.
The good news for HSPs is that growing your business at a gentler pace is possible. If you’re an HSP business owner who longs for a slower, more mindful approach to entrepreneurship, here’s how to use gentle business practices for HSPs to make progress while protecting your energy:
1. Trust Your Intuition
There is so much information out there about how you ought to run your business, and keeping up with all the latest strategies, channels, and technologies can be dizzying. HSPs have strong intuition since we are wired to sense potential dangers. Use these gentle nudges to guide you!
Pay close attention to ideas that surface, and don’t be afraid to do your own thing. No one says there is only one way to build a business. When you give yourself permission to follow your own path without giving in to the HSP tendency to overthink, it increases the chance you’ll find what works for you. And who knows, maybe you’ll stumble upon the next great business-growth strategy you can share with others to help them along as well.
2. Complete Larger Tasks Over Time
As business owners, it’s easy to get swept up in the information overload and productivity frenzy we see other entrepreneurs going after. It leaves us feeling stressed and “less than,” wondering why we aren’t doing or accomplishing as much as the next person. Maybe you feel like you need to start a Podcast, be everywhere on social media, write a book, create courses, and be up to speed on every possible channel, catering to every possible audience.
When we go down this road of frantic “must do everything now” thinking, we panic and can end up frozen, not able to do much at all. By slowing down and shutting out the noise, we can feel more comfortable about carving up our bigger tasks into smaller, more manageable ones. Aim for quality instead of quantity, and remember that even a little bit of progress each day adds up to great change over time.
3. Adopt a Flexible Work Schedule
When HSP business owners are too rigid with work schedules and leave little room for deviation, it’s difficult to honor our natural energy levels and rhythms. For example, maybe you have trouble focusing on work during the morning hours. Instead of forcing yourself to schedule meetings and client calls during these times, create blocks in your schedule so you can exercise, journal, or stare out the window while you sip a cup of tea.
Studies show that creative folks (like most HSPs) are more innovative when we make time to think, so allow yourself to embrace a bit of idle time throughout the day and book that vacation to the tropics. You might also find that working 40 hours per week is draining for you. Consider taking off Friday afternoons to run errands, enjoy some self-care, and rest. Taking off an extra full or half day during the workweek could help you be more energized and productive overall.
4. Create a Nurturing Work Environment
A cozy, calming work environment looks different for everyone, even HSPs. For me, it’s having a few different places to go depending on my mood, since I often need a change of scenery. I also need a place that has soft fabrics to wrap up in, pleasing colors to admire, and lots and lots of quiet.
A nurturing work environment allows us to eliminate distractions and focus on our work. Take some time to create a space that you love and brings you joy. This doesn’t only have to be in your home. Maybe you work best in a local café, library, or office. Bring something to make the space feel like your own, such as your favorite mug or notebook, and come prepared to block out potential distractions.
5. Schedule Plenty of Down Time
Prioritizing downtime can be difficult for HSP business owners — especially those who believe (like most of us do) that successful businesses require constant attention. The truth is that you’re a better business owner for your clients and staff when you can take the time you need to explore, play, create, and just be.
Give yourself the permission each day to sink into a good book, pull out your paint set, or get out in nature. This “oxygen mask” way of thinking does wonders for keeping yourself balanced, which will enable you to create better work.
Create Gentle Business Practices That Work for You
You deserve to build a business that works for you — professionally and personally. We owe it to ourselves to build gentle business practices that feel good and energize us, rather than cause the overwhelm that so many of us struggle with if we aren’t checked in to our feelings and meeting our needs.
If you’re still struggling to grow your business in a way that feels good to you, reach out to Happy HSP Coaching to schedule a free discovery session. We’ll work together to figure out what’s blocking your creative energy and get you back to creating the life you want and deserve.